Franklin Covey Travelers Weekly Planner
Franklin Covey Travelers Weekly Planner
Hello my friends, I hope you're doing well. In this video I will be doing a review of the Franklin Covey Traveler's Weekly Planner. You may be interested in this planner if you are the type of person that wants to take a break from rings or you don't like using planners with rings. So, when I say rings, this is what I mean. When I say rings, I'm talking about a Ring Bound planner like this.
Now when I took a poll on my Instagram, most people said that they prefer planners with rings. The one great thing about rings is that you can always switch out your planner pages at any time and you can add any type of documents to your planner by simply punching holes in it. But one disadvantage of rings is the footprint and the weight. The footprint is wider than it would be with bounded planners or a traveler's planner like I'm going to review in this video.
So, when I say “Bounded planners”, I'm talking about planners like this. Planners that are bounded have a smaller and slimmer footprint than Ring Bound planners. So that is why some people may be interested in this option. So, I'm going to go ahead and open this planner up.
If you're new here hello, my name is Tonya and I use paper planners to juggle the multiple responsibilities and my life. So, if you're interested in using planners and being more productive and organized, then I hope that you will hit the like and subscribe button.
So again, this is the Franklin Covey Traveler's Weekly planner and it is in the classic size. So, it looks like what you get here is four booklets for each quarter of the year and I also purchased this supplement. This is the graph notebook and I'll show you that in a moment. But first I wanted to show you the weekly planner.
So, each of these traveler's notebooks is for one quarter. So, this is January through March, April through June, the next three months and the last three months of the year. So, let's open this up and see how it looks.
So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to put this planner and my cover here. This is a Tonya Plans cover sold on the Tonya Plans website. And if you're interested in this cover, you can save money with a discount promo code Tonyaplans10.
But this is a ringless cover. So, I'm going to show you the features of this. It has a snap closure as you see here and it is textured, you can feel the texture on here and it's slightly padded when you press “N” on it and it feels really good in the hand.
So, inside the cover is loads of organization. You have a pocket here where you can insert things and you have to use elasticized pen loops.
Now all of the organization that you'll see in this cover is uncommon when it comes to ringless covers. A lot of ringless covers are really super simple. So, I wanted to make a ringless cover that has multiple functionality which you'll see here.
You have a zippered pocket here as gusseted so it expands out. You can put documents here. You have several card slot holders; you have a seat through a card slot holder here.
And get this: This is uncommon with ringless planters: you also have a pocket here where you can insert a notepad. So, I have a notepad here. So, if you're the type of person where you don't like planners and all but you just need a notepad to carry to a meeting this could just be used for your notepad and this cover has a pocket here, two additional pockets here and you can slip items in this way the pocket extends all the way down and this way.
So, what type of planners does this fit? This fits the Franklin Covey classic size planners.
So again, this is a traveler's notebook, you can slip it in like that. It is very slim and it will be very lightweight to carry.
This is my Hobonichi Cousin and it is in A5 size. So A5 size planners and notebooks will fit in this cover. So, there's your Hobonichi. It fits in there just fine.
So, if you want to put your planner on this side and then put an additional notebook of just playing planner pages for notes. You can slip the plain notebook on the other side; so you can have two notebooks led in here if you like.
Another thing that will fit is the Franklin planner A5 size planner. This is a Japanese planner made by Franklin planner. Also, what fits in his notebook are the Franklin planner classic size wire bound planners. This planner is called “Textures” and I did a review of it on my channel if you're interested in this wire bound option; but it is the classic size and it will fit in here as well.
And this is how it looks on the side there. And this is the Franklin Covey compass in the classic size, the wire bound planner as well. And of course, this fits in just fine in this notebook cover. And again, the cover is available at ty plans.com.
So going back to the Franklin Covey, traveler's notebook, if you want, what you can do is put one of the quarterly planners on this side and then another one on this side. And then you will be carrying half of the year with you. And I also want to mention that this cover lies flat.
So, let's start to flip through this traveler's notebook. It starts out with three annual calendars here, the current year and the two future years here, then you have an index for the month. Next, you have a month spread across two pages. It's a very clean and simple format. So, you just have some plain boxes here. And just to give you an idea of how much writing space you have, it's a little over an inch in each block. On these monthly planner pages, you have holidays, and you also have moon phases.
Now one thing I'm surprised about with this planner is that I thought that the website said that this was saddle stitched bound. But what I'm seeing here are two staples.
The advantage of stitched notebooks is that they'll lie flat. When they're stapled like this, see how it's trying to close on your hand. So, when you write, you really have to kind of bend back like that to train the planner pages to live flat. For example, this is a Hobonichi notebook, and it is stitched. See how it lies flat. Once you do this, it doesn't try to close on your hand. It's just more preferable to me to have a stitch planner as opposed to a planner bounded by staples. But for some people that may not matter to you.
Then have your month spread across two pages. Over here is a column where you can write a note. Next you have a master task list. And it's separated into two columns. There's a column for personal and there's a column for business over here you have a whole page for weekly tasks. Next is a page where you see your whole week on one page, please know on these weekly pages, they have the holidays, as well as the moon phases. So over here you have a prioritized task list. And here's a whole column where you can write a note up here is a weekly summary. The planner pages, as you can see are white, the lines are black.
So, when you've finished what your weekly spread here, next, you have a whole page for weekly notes. And then it starts again, you have your weekly task list, your planner spread, your prioritized task list over here to the right. And then it starts again, a whole page for weekly notes, a whole page for weekly tasks, your weekly spread here, and then your prioritized task lists and notes and weekly summary.
Another thing to keep in mind is that your monthly planner pages are correlated throughout the planner. So, you have your monthly spread, then you have your weekly pages, and then your monthly spread. Again, you have 10 pages just for notes here at the back. I'm just going to look at the end of December. And just see if there's anything different about the format, though it looks the same.
So let me show you how this would look. If you put two of the quarterly notebooks in the cover, just want to show you how it looks on the side because some people may be interested in the footprint and seeing how that looks. So, I'm going to put one quarter of the traveler's notebook on one side and the other traveler's notebook on the other side. So, look how thin that is. A nice thin option.
So, I grabbed my scale here. And so, I just want to show you what this way is because it's called a traveler's notebook. That means you can travel with it right. So, it's meant to be lightweight and portable. So, I wanted to weigh this with the cover, so you have an idea of how much this would weigh. So, with the cover, this weighs one pound four ounces.
So, let's weigh the notebooks without the cover so you can see how light they are. So, if I had to guess you'll likely carry two traveler's notebooks at one time. So, these only weigh about seven ounces. If you carried all four at one time, these would weigh 14 ounces, the cover by itself empty and ringless would weigh. This cover just weighs about 13 ounces. So that gives you an idea of how much everything weighs because those that have a ringless plan or are looking for a lighter, portable option. But I also got this graph notebook. I haven't seen any reviews on the traveler's notebooks on YouTube. So that's why I decided to do this video here.
So, you can also purchase this graph notebook separately. I like the way this feels like the graph is kind of raised. So, when I've run my hands over it, I can feel the print a little bit. And this feels really good to the hands. Unlike this, this is pretty much just regular paper and is meant to go in a cover. Obviously, this feels really good. And you can probably use it by itself as a graph notebook.
So, this notebook of course, is just graph pages. So, if you're doing your finances and you're doing a budget, graph pages are great because they will help your numbers line up. I do feel that the graph on here is a little bit dark.
I'm really funny about the ink and the shade of ink. You don't want anything to compete with your handwriting but it is gray. The grid is not black. If I had to guess this is probably five millimeters of spacing. So, it's just a notebook of graph pages as you can see here.
I think that was a dot grid notebook that you can get also, I didn't buy that.
Now this graph notebook has 48 pages.
I also want to note that this notebook is not saddle stitched as you can see.
So, I hope you found this review helpful. Please let me know in the comments what you think of these traveler's notebooks. If you actually own this traveler's planner, please do leave a comment and let us know how you like it. I learned so much from reading your comments and I love talking to you guys about planners, so please don't hesitate to leave a comment. Please don't forget to like this video. This is Tonya helping you feel more organized so this can be your best year yet.