How to do color blocking in your planner
Color blocking in your planner can help you visually organize and categorize different types of tasks, events, or areas of your life. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to incorporate color blocking into your planner.
Choose a color scheme: Select a color scheme that appeals to you and aligns with your preferences and organizational needs. You can use a set of colored pens, highlighters, or colored pencils. Consider using colors that have specific associations or meanings to you. For example, you might use blue for work-related tasks, green for personal tasks, and yellow for important deadlines.
Assign colors to categories: Determine the categories or types of tasks/events you want to color code. This could include work, personal, health, family, social, or any other relevant categories. Assign a specific color to each category from your chosen color scheme.
Create a key or legend: In a prominent place in your planner, create a key or legend that associates each color with its corresponding category. This will serve as a reference point for you to remember which color represents which category.
Apply colors to tasks and events: As you fill in your planner with tasks, appointments, and events, use the designated colors to fill in or outline the entries based on their respective categories. For example, if you have a work-related meeting, use the assigned color for work to highlight or underline that entry.
Be consistent: Maintain consistency in applying the colors throughout your planner. Ensure that you use the same colors consistently for the same categories. This consistency will help train your brain to associate the colors with specific categories and make it easier for you to interpret and navigate your planner.
Balance aesthetics and functionality: Consider the visual impact of color blocking in your planner. Experiment with different ways of incorporating colors, such as filling in entire blocks, using color-coded dots or symbols, or using colored headers or borders. Find a style that is visually appealing to you while still maintaining the functional organization of your planner.
Adapt and adjust as needed: Over time, you may find that certain categories require more or less color coding. Be open to adapting and adjusting your color scheme as needed to suit your evolving needs and preferences. You can add new categories or modify existing ones based on your changing priorities.
Remember, the purpose of color blocking is to enhance organization and visual clarity in your planner. Find a color coding system that works best for you and complements your planning style. By consistently applying colors to your planner, you'll be able to quickly identify and differentiate between various tasks and events at a glance.